Interview: Sacha Junique & Ari Jiordan of Jior Coutour

 Eeeekkkkkk!!! I’m so excited to bring you this interview!!! You may remember in Ladies Behind the Polish, I talked about having the opportunity to swatch for a few amazing indie brands? You remember, I told you to stay tuned for my in-depth interviews with them so you could find out all about the brands that we have come to know and love? Ringing bells now, good, because today I have another special treat in my interview series, the duo from Jior Coutour, Sacha Junique and Ari Jiordan!!!!!

There’s something special about a mother and daughter team, I just cant put my finger on it at the moment but these ladies have IT! What started as selling polish at home parties and on Facebook in 2010, quickly grew to an empire for Sacha and Ari and this mother-daughter duo have never looked back. Besides beauty, talent, intelligence and a go-getter attitude, these 2 make beautiful polishes and offer a wide range of products including top & base coats, glass nail files & cuticle pushers, sugar scrubs and skin butter. Recently, I worked with Sacha to create a wonderful custom gray polish for May’s Brain Tumor Awareness month. The polish, appropriately named Michael, is remembrance of my dad who passed in 2014 from brain cancer. I was looking for the perfect gray color and she captured it, so I say all that to say, if you need customs, Jior Coutour is an amazing brand to work with.

So lets jump right into the fun that you came here for. without further ado, allow me to present Sacha Junique and Ari Jiordan!!!!!!!

photo provided courtesy of Ari Jiordan


Q: Why did you decide to start a nail polish line?

Sacha: Since Ari was about 3 or 4, we were getting weekly mani/pedis. When all the info about the “big 3” came into the news, we stopped going.

Ari: I really missed having that time with my mom. I was around 5 or 6 years old and I remember saying to my mom, “If only we could make our own safe polishes.” That’s how Jior Couture began.

Q: What makes your brand different?

Ari: When it comes to naming and creating new lacquers, my mom lets me have so much creative freedom. We’re truly a mother-daughter team, we have business meetings where we talk about 1 yr, 5 yr and 10 yr plans. We go over budgets, and new collections. We put so much thought and love into what we do. When we get emails from our customers saying how much they love their Jior mail, from the product to our signature wrapping paper, it’s great! I know we’re doing something great. We’ve also started ‘Swatcher Spotlight’. With this, we get to showcase our absolutely talented swatchers AND donate to charity.

Sacha: What other nail polish line has a 12 year old co-owner?

Q: What is one thing you’re willing to share that your customers would be surprised to know about you?

Sacha: I love to break out in song and dance. No matter where I am I could break out in the running man (and I mean the ‘REAL’ running man)

Ari: I love sewing and I make little animals and my own skirts and dresses.

Q: What advice/tips you give someone wanting to start their own polish company?

Sacha: Understand that it can be equally fun, rewarding and HARD. Do as much research as you can before starting.

Ari: When we started, there wasn’t much out there as far as information. Now the sky’s the limit with research.

Q: Besides your own, what other brands do you own/wear?

We have so many I can’t even name them all. When I do buy lacquers I only buy indies. #SupportIndies

Q: In 5 words, describe yourself

Ari: I’m going to say 5 things about my mom. Beautiful, loving, hardworking, caring, intelligent

Sacha: aww, I’ll do Ari. Brilliant, Creative, Focused, Regal, Creative, Loyal, Graceful, Beautiful. Yikes, that was more than 5, Sorry. I can’t say enough about my girl.

Q: What is one your strengths? Weakness?

Sacha: Strength- I’m very caring and giving. Weakness-I’m very caring and giving

Ari: Strength- I’m quite resourceful. Weakness- Anything I’m not good at eventually becomes a strength. So I don’t like to call them weaknesses.

Q: What are your top 3 favorite things to do? (Outside of making polish and filling orders…lol)

Sacha: Dancing, cooking, hanging out

Ari: sewing, drawing, being with my family and hanging with friends

Oh, so you know, that ‘IT’ I was referring to before, INCREDIBLE, MARVELOUS, WONDERFUL! I could go on and on and on but I’m sure you get the point. Whether you talk about Sacha and Ari or Jior Coutour, at some point these words will be used. If you haven’t already had pleasure of supporting these ladies and/or the polish/products you purchased still sit untried, don’t wait any longer, buy and use, you won’t be sorry.

Stay in the know about discounts, sales, giveaways, group customs and so much more by joining the Jior Couture Polish Mavens on Facebook and Instagram.



Disclosure: The questions above were sent to the featured maker (FM) for review and response. The FM was advised they could omit responses from any question they were not comfortable with answering. The responses are directly from the FM and have not been altered in any way, shape or form. The comments and responses expressed in this interview are those of the FM and the FM alone.

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